Recent Causes

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Recent Causes

The environment needs our protection

Here are some recent causes and upcoming projects that NALALA TREE FOUNDATION plan to implement.


Tree Planting Campaign:

Nalala is organizing a large-scale tree planting campaign aimed at reforesting degraded areas and increasing green cover in Kilgoris County. Thousands of trees were planted, contributing to biodiversity conservation and climate change mitigation efforts.

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Community Empowerment Initiatives:

This includes training sessions on organic farming, beekeeping, and eco-tourism, empowering local communities to generate income while promoting environmental conservation and biodiversity protection.

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Establishment of Tree Nursery:

The organization plans to establish a tree nursery to propagate indigenous tree species for use in tree planting initiatives. This nursery will serve as a hub for nurturing seedlings, providing training on tree care, and supplying saplings to community members.

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Renewable Energy Project:

In line with its commitment to sustainable development,the organization aims to install solar panels, biogas digesters, to improve access to reliable and affordable energy sources while reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

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